Refugien in OWL

The Passage

The project is developed in cooperation of three partners, PLAVO theatre – theatre laboratory from Serbia, Theaterlabor Bielefeld from Germany and Grotowski Institute from Poland.

The coproduction aims at creation of transnational laboratory theatre coproduction of three partners („The Passage“) and building capacity within sector of European laboratory theatre, by promoting its values, providing conditions for laboratory practices to develop, by sharing knowledge and allowing its practitioners to be active at international level. We will raise awareness, enhance dialog and empathy among audience and promote societal resilience by critical reaction to different aspects of injustice in contemporary Europe, rise of violence and crisis of democratic values, which is most visible in rise of right-wing ideologies, relation towards migrants, women and socially marginalized groups, as well as in reckless destruction of nature.

Main activities include laboratory work in performance creation, testing methodologies and workshops with local audience particularly disadvantaged groups, performing in Poland, Germany and Serbia with live streaming and interpretation into Sign language, making online Archive of Knowledge.

Weitere Projekte

Refugien in OWL. Ein nachhaltiges Kulturprojekt

Die auf zwei Jahre angelegte Pilotprojektreihe will ausprobieren, wie ökologisch nachhaltige Kulturveranstaltungen organisiert und kommuniziert werden können. In 2024 wird es drei Einzelveranstaltungen geben: 5. Mai, ab 11 Uhr (Bielefeld)Menschen aller Altersgruppen...

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